Welcome to the SupportVets family! The significant opportunity exists to drastically elevate the support that we provide our Service Members and Veterans, and we’re glad you’ve gotten involved! Our Veterans come from every walk of life and from every geography, but they all have one thing in common. They love freedom, and they are willing to risk their lives to defend it.
We’ve had far too many conversations with far too many Veterans who share horror stories of transition experiences. For far too long, our Veterans have been left largely alone to find the help they need, and much of the heartache and pain that they and their families go through could’ve been avoided.
Up until now, in place of a quality and accessible ecosystem of support where Veterans and Service Members can find support resources, there has been a chaotic landscape of hundreds of thousands of organizations and businesses that are difficult to find and then difficult to validate their quality or legitimacy.
Many veterans frustrated by the transition experience choose to start their own businesses. This choice comes with a massive amount of challenges and obstacles. One of the most significant challenges is the cost of marketing to gain awareness of their offering when compared with all of the other civilian businesses that have bigger budgets.
SupportVets exists to help military Veterans and Service Members to find Veterans service organizations (VSOs) to receive assistance from AND helps consumers to find local veteran and service member owned businesses (VOBs). It is the ecosystem of support that every Veteran and Service Member has deserved.
Care was taken to construct a simple yet powerful interface that allows searchers to readily find local businesses and organizations through map and list views. An equal amount of care was taken to structure the ecosystem so that there is no mandatory fee required to enjoy what SupportVets provides.
That being said, there is a significant need for resources to cover ongoing operational costs and new feature development. We heartily encourage those who see the value in our ecosystem to choose to pay a voluntary service fees. We also encourage organizations to consider becoming sponsors and have their logos tastefully placed in the app.
During our military service, we learned that it is much easier to achieve a difficult objective collectively rather than individually. There are many Veterans and Service Members suffering alone, and need our help. That’s why we are glad that you’ve joined us as a Sentinel of wounded Soldiers (Vigiliae Vulneratus). We sincerely look forward to collaborating with you, because all of us banded together have a ‘Strength In Unity’ that can overcome any challenge. Thank you for all you do to SupportVets!